Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is the treatment of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of aiding the body to heal itself. It consists of manual techniques that include applying fixed or movable pressure to treat the musculoskeletal system, the circulatory – lymphatic system, and the nervous system. Besides standard massage, stretching and strengthening procedures are used to achieve results that last longer than the common massage.
Many of our patients utilize massage therapy along with other treatments offered at our office. Most spinal conditions that are treated with chiropractic procedures recover quicker when the muscular system is also treated with massage. Dr. Petchauer reviews the symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors with the massage therapist to design a treatment plan to help you get well and to keep you healthy.
Massage is commonly used for;
Back and neck pain
Joint pain
Relaxation and reducing stress
Loosening tight and taught muscles
Decreasing arthritis and tendinitis pain
Treating spasms, strains and sprains
Relieving muscle pain and aches
Increasing flexibility and range of motion
Diminishing chronic pain
Reducing tension headaches
Improving circulation
Treating repetitive motion injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
Massage therapy appointments are scheduled for 30 or 60 minutes, depending upon your needs. Please call our office for scheduling and current prices.
Our massage therapists are all graduates of massage therapy schools, are certified in both massage and manual therapy, and are licensed in the state of Michigan. They are skilled in several different techniques and have many years of clinical experience.
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